This project came as a continuation to the mission started by the “Psychosocial Emergency Teams in the West Bank”, initiated in 2003 in response to the arising psychosocial needs of children during and after the massacre that took place in Jenin Refugee camp. Psychosocial emergency teams were formed in all the districts of the West Bank, and included many of the institutions that offer similar services, in order to consolidate efforts, and function within a participatory and comprehensive approach, to effectively and efficiently respond to the merging needs of the marginalized individuals, families and affected communities, who suffer the most from the Israeli policies in their areas.
The East Jerusalem YMCA Rehabilitation Program has been responsible for coordinating the response of the 11 psychosocial emergency teams covering 11 districts: Jenin, Tulkarem, Qalqilia, Nablus, Salfeet, Ramallah, East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Tubas and Jericho. Each of the 11 teams consists of an average of 20 professionals coming from the team organizations providing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services in the West Bank. One of the main outputs of earlier project was the production of a survey of the mental health and the psychosocial support organizations working in the West Bank. In order to facilitate searching for organizations working in those spheres in the West Bank, a webpage was set listing all the required details,
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