In addition to the ongoing services that the Rehabilitation Program offers to the persons with disabilities and the survivors of the political violence, it runs several projects within partnerships with the relevant parties and funded by different donors. Those projects depend on specific action plans and are limited to a certain period of time. Of those projects, we would like to provide a brief about the main ones.
This project was launched in February 2016 to be implemented by the Rehabilitation Program, in partnership with Save the Children oPt. It plays an important role in responding to the psychosocial emergency needs of children and their caregivers resulting from incidents of political violence all over the West Bank, through the efforts of the psychosocial emergency teams – PSET. The teams would be immediately mobilized in response to the political emergencies, and they would provide initial psychosocial support to the children and caregivers, survivors of political conflict through the provision of Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) and structured psychosocial intervention sessions.
This project was launched in January 2016 in partnership with Save the Children oPt and Defence for Children International – Palestine section. It targets ex-detainee children (up to the age of eighteen years old), their families and their communities throughout the different districts of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and aims at enhancing their psychosocial wellbeing and reintegrating them into the society. The Project adopts a holistic approach in a trial to bring children back to normal life, by targeting individuals, families and communities. The project has two main components. The first one deals with providing psycho-social support, counseling sessions and ventilation activities to ex-detainee children and their care givers. While the second component, deals with providing thorough support in the academic and vocational rehabilitation fields.
The Rehabilitation Program is running a three-year project that targets Palestinian women from the different West Bank districts whose husbands were killed in the Palestinian Israeli conflict and were left on their own to struggle with and experience the brunt of household traumas and adversities. 'Providing Psychosocial Support for Palestinian Women in the West Bank' project is funded by the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and runs through April 2015 to March 2018.
Through the support of the Representative Office of Finland, the Rehabilitation Program aims at contributing towards enhancing the social inclusion and participation of young women with disabilities in the Palestinian society. The project is targeting the most marginalized women with physical disabilities in the West Bank districts with a special focus on remote and marginalized areas, in addition to area C. The project builds the capacities of young women with disabilities to influence attitudes, practices and decision making processes in local and national government. In addition it facilitates the access of young women with disabilities to education, health, employment and training opportunities through enhancing their vocational and technical capacities, and enhancing their mobility and physical conditions.