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Sponsorship Program

Making a gift to sponsor a child or a young person with physical disability is a wonderfully kind and generous contribution to the future of this person who is in sincere need for your support and attention. Your gift of:

wheelchair $200 can assist in providing a medical aid for a child; like a wheel chair, crutches, and artificial limps.
book $300 can assist in providing the needed academic rehabilitation services to reintegrate a child in his/her school that contributes towards covering remedial education classes, school’s tuitions and transportations.
tool $500 can assist in providing the needed vocational rehabilitation services for the ones who can’t be re-integrated in school, especially for the children who went through extreme exclusion for a long period and are over 15 years old. The cost of the vocational rehabilitation services contributes towards vocational assessment, career counseling and vocational training.
modification $ 2000 can assist in modifying a home and providing disabled access facilities in a child’s resident place to enhance and facilitate his/her mobility with respect and dignity.
store $3000 can assist in providing a self employment project for the ones whose disability is too severe to be employed and are over 18 years old.

With the support of our sponsorship donors, we seek to continue providing inclusion and rehabilitation support to as many children and young people with disabilities as possible. Many Thanks for your support!

To become part of our Sponsorship Program, you are kindly requested to proceed here.